Gopher Pro $4850 ($250 Deposit)

Regular price $250.00


The Gopher Pro is the bare bones utility truck you have been looking for.  This truck is the perfect affordable work vehicle to finish off any project.  Great for your home, business, farm, campus or any other place you find it useful.  We are Happy to bring this capable affordable ChangLi Vehicle to you. 

$250 to secure your  truck.  Once you have made your deposit our team will reach out to you with options on Truck build you want.   Trucks  $4850 + the shipping to your location.

  • 4000 Watt motor
  • 60V 100 AH Lithium batteries 
  • 25 mph
  • 2200 lb payload 
  • Optional - Fertilizer\ salt dispenser 
  • Fold down bed sides 
  • 4 wheel disc brake 

Why choose us?

Don't let the boring stuff keep you from thismuch fun

For us, these cars are the physical embodiment of fun. And there’s nothing fun about dealing with shipping and taxes and brokers and customs. Our job is to take all of that responsibility off of people and let them just enjoy receiving and using the vehicles.

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